In The Studio Here is a photo from the studio showing a painting of four house shaped blocks. I like this idea of using objects that have a symbolic value. I treat it like a still life with the lighting and arrangement. Simply by using house shaped blocks it brings ideas of landscape. The simplicity of the block shapes themselves and the primary colors seems to reference childhood.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Last Friday Art Walk
It is time again for the art walk. I don't have too many posts between art walks since Henry was born. Hmmm. Below, I put in the link to the video that I made for those of you who have never been to the studio. It can be tricky to find. I think it will help you find me.
Next week I will have a new studio mate moving in, Teague Cohen. I will give a little intro about her next week. She makes glass beads.
As I was rearranging for Teague to move in I found a variety of older work of mine. Many people are surprised to see work when I stray from the still life paintings that I have been doing for the last few years. I have explored many many styles and ideas since I have been making art for a long time now. Gallerists like to show an artist's cohesive body of work but I think most artists like to explore and try different things. It is hard to develop a completely new body of work that is ready for a gallery. It feels like going backward a little to think about doing it. When you visit my studio you see more than the commercial package. You see my widely straying mind and all the experimentation that may never make it to the gallery.
Monday, August 13, 2007
World Mini Print Annual
I have been getting back into printmaking in the last couple years. I have always done prints such as etchings and relief prints. Some of you may know that my father was a printmaker and for a time was an artist in residence at Montpelier Cultural Art Center. I have a very tiny press that I use for printing relief prints and mono prints. I have three mono prints on exhibit this year in Sofia, Bulgaria at the World Mini Print Annual at Lessedra Gallery.