Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Amy Hungerford
Thursday, December 11, 2008

We are all busy getting things ready for the studio sale. I am pushing aside the worries about weather, problems with ads, construction, and dwindling time and predict a great sale.
245 Blair Blvd
Friday December 12 5pm-9pm
Saturday December 13 11am-5pm
Sunday December 14 12pm-4pm
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Turban Squash
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Eugene Weekly

Thank you Eugene Weekly for putting my picture in this week. I had a lot of positive comments from people. There were quite a few visitors to the studio who came because of it.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Oregon's Beautiful Bounty
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Duck Store
895 East 13th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401
I will be demonstrating how I work with acrylic to make a realist still life painting. It's free.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
On the Easel

I am finishing up this painting of a pair of Hosoi Vans. A couple years ago I met Garth from Recently I borrowed some of the shoes from his personal collection to use for paintings. I have a lot of material for my interest in painting pictures of shoes. I am also interested in painting some vintage guitars. I'm on the look out for guitar collectors who want to grant me access to their collection.
This is a large painting 24"x48". This stage of the painting is interesting. I have been deep in the flow for a while and now I am about at the end. Now I have to look for the tiny details I want to get right.
Friday, September 26, 2008
music canceled
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Rochelle Hunter

I have a few of paintings in the studio that I am working on for my Jacobs Gallery show in January. I just dropped off five paintings to hang in a show called "Oregon's Beautiful Bounty" at the David Joyce Gallery. It will run September 19th through the end of December. If you want to check it out here is the address.
Center for Meeting and LearningThere will be an artists' reception on November 6th from 5-7. I am going to try to be at the reception early because I teach a class at Maude Kerns art Center that night.
Lane Community College
4000 E. 30th Street
Eugene, OR 97401
If you are interested in taking a class I have a couple coming up soon at Maude Kerns.
Watercolors: Landscapes, Flowers & More
John Holdway
Class ID #1524
SPACE AVAILABLEFrom start to finish, this watercolor class gives you the tools for painting success. Designed for all skill levels, this class allows you to explore the creative process in a fun and encouraging environment. As you experiment with painting from photographs, you will learn how to begin, develop, and finish watercolor paintings. Benefit from instructor demonstrations and class projects designed to build your skills and advance your painting techniques. You will also review concepts of color and composition. 8 Sessions.
Thursdays, October 2-December 4, 6:00pm-8:30pm*
*There will be no class Thursdays, Oct. 23rd or Nov. 27th.
Members $75 - Non-Members $90
Drawing in Color
John Holdway
Class ID #1525
SPACE AVAILABLECapture color as you explore the art of drawing. Working in a variety of mediums, including pencils and pastels, you will create beautiful finished pieces and sketches that can be used for paintings. From still lifes to landscapes, this class offers a fun and relaxed approach to incorporating color into your art. Sign up early to reserve your space today!
Wednesdays, October 15-December 3, 1:00pm-3:00pm*
*There will be no class Wednesdays Oct. 22nd or Nov. 26th.
Members $60 - Non-Members $75
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Slug Queen
I usually stick to studio news but here is a pic of Michelle and Henry ( my wife and son ). We were at Saturday Market where Constance Van Flandern was campaigning to be the new Slug Queen.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Last Friday
Studio address:
245 Blair Blvd.
studio C
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Upcomig classes
Class ID #1508
This summer, embark on a journey of drawing discovery! In this Basic Drawing class, you will learn and review drawing skills in a series of lessons and exercises designed to introduce you to the concepts of line, shading, perspective, composition, and more. Each week, you will build upon the techniques you’ve learned to create sketches and finished drawings that will help to strengthen your skills. As you gain confidence, you will explore your own artistic style and advance your abilities. 8 Sessions.
Tuesdays, July 15-September 9, 6:00pm-8:00pm*
*There will be no class Tuesday, August 26th.
Members $80 Non-Members $95
***Watercolors: Seascapes, Landscapes, and More***
John Holdway
Class ID #1510
Escape to a picturesque destination in your own watercolor paintings! From start to finish, this class gives you the tools for painting success. Designed for all skill levels, this class allows you to explore the creative process in a fun and encouraging environment. Experiment with painting from photographs as you begin, develop, and finish watercolor paintings. You will also review concepts of color, composition, and the idea of using a limited palette as you find your own artistic voice.
Thursdays, July 17-September 11, 6:00pm-8:30pm*
*There will be no class Thursday, August 28th.
Members $80 Non-Members $95
Maude Kerns Art Center
Phone: 541.345.1571
Fax: 541.345.6248
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Anarchist Kid

This is a linoleum block print. It is printed with black oil based ink on white mulberry paper. The image size is 4 inches square. It is signed in a edition of 14.
I got the idea for this print while sketching at the library in downtown Eugene, Oregon. In the Summer in Eugene you see the vagabond kids start showing up around town. Maybe it is everywhere. Eugene has a reputation as hippy haven. They are still coming. I remember the romance of being a dharma bum. Having done it a bit it stirs a empty spot. This print remembers the angst and desperate desire to suck the marrow from life.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Skate Board Deck Art Show
In the 245 Blair lobby, Darris at 245 Photographics is putting on a show of Garth Marriott's (from collection of graphic skate board decks. There are maybe 30 decks. A few by artists such as Ron English and Eddie Reategui.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
watercolor raven
Friday, April 25, 2008

Here is a new painting titled "Tangelo"
oil on board
It is dry, framed and ready to find a home. Let me know if you are interested.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Art on the Go
Here are some photos from a sketchbook. I drew these in Seaside, Oregon. Painting outside during most of the year in Oregon can be challenging. You never know what the weather is going to throw at you. I like to use a small book, a pencil, tiny watercolor box, and a water brush. I fit it into a small waist pack with a snack. A plastic bag to sit on is a good idea if I remember.
I am getting ready for my new class called Art on the Go at Maude Kerns Art Center. We will be traveling to different locations each week. I am going to be doing a gear up session Saturday May 3, 3-5pm at Oregon Art Supply. I will have have all my outdoor set ups such as French easel and pochade box for oils or acrylics, sketchbooks and my watercolor kit.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Thank You Notes

Portrait Party

This is my Portrait of Marie-Dom
This is Marie-Dom's of me.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Art in Motion

In this demonstration I used acrylic paint. I also used a photo as reference although I usually have a table with actual objects. I use oil in my own work but the kids use acrylic so I used acrylic. There has been more call for me to teach acrylic. I think because oil is associated with toxicity. I can teach solvent free and use nontoxic colors. I have heard of more people developing sensitivity to acrylic because it is a chemical where as the oil in oil paint vegetable oil. Acrylic is still less intimidating if only perceived.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Last Friday Art Walk
It is already time for the Last Friday Art Walk. Teague and I will be open 6-9pm as usual. Come visit us. I have my blog set up so you can sign up to receive emails when I post. So sign up on the right and you will get get a reminder to come out to the art walk. Don't forget your map.
Monday, March 17, 2008
sketchbook watecolor demo

I did this painting in the sketchbook I mentioned before. It was during the last class of the watercolor class I teach at Maude Kerns Art Center. I will be starting up again in a couple weeks. It is an interesting light situation. The background is washed out through glass. The fruit on the window sill is back lit and contrasty. I used a photo I took at my house. I love that window because it is a perfect height for me to stand and lean on the sill. I often sit my 10 month old son, Henry, on the sill and watch.
I will also be doing a new class called Art On The Go. Each week we will be going to a different location to work. It is going to be fun.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Register Guard comes to the studio
The Register Guard, the local newspaper of Eugene, came to the studio because they were doing a story on A lot of news papers are including online videos along with stories.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Ready for Opus6ix
Here are three paintings ready for Opus6ix. There is a little glare so I guess you will have to ask to see them at the First Friday event tomorrow.
Friday, February 29, 2008
I made this sketchbook with interior pages of 140lb Fabriano Artistico soft press watercolor paper. The cover is colored Mi Tientes and book cloth over Davey board. I just used acrylic matte medium as glue since I had it. I reinforce the spine with scrap tarlatan that I have around from printmaking. The end paper is just white drawing paper. I sewed the pages right through the spine in two signatures. It is a pretty easy way to make a sketch book.
I made this watercolor as a demonstration last night during the watercolor class I teach Thursday night at Maude Kerns Art Center.
Last Friday Art Walk
Friday, February 22, 2008
Oscar Wilde Lecture to Art Students
I visited Leslie Jackson yesterday in her studio. She has a great studio. I have been meaning to get over to visit her since I met her last summer and I finally did. I had a good talk with her. It is difficult to meet other artists who are committed to the art. She passed on a print out of Oscar Wilde's Lecture to Art Students. I really appreciate that she did. It helps to get perspective from other artists.
It is difficult to connect with artists. After weeding out the egomaniacs and dilettantes there isn't much left. Leslie is the real thing. It takes a while in Eugene but after a while the gems appear.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Rachel Trachtenburg
I signed up for the Trachtenburg Family Slide Show Players' email list quite a few years ago. It was after I saw them at the WOW Hall here in Eugene. Well they finally started sending me emails. Apparently they are doing a Rachel show in New York where they live now. You might think they seem like the kind of vegetarian nerd hipsters that live in my neck of the woods. Well they are from Seattle.
I am happy Rachel is singing a Sid Barrett song. I was a big Pink Floyd fan in high school. I had all the Pink Floyd albums on vinyl. Now I have none. I tried making a Pink Floyd radio station on Pandora but it keeps putting in all this classic rock that I hate. Why because I like Pink Floyd does it think I wan t to listen to Rush and Blue Oyster Cult.
I wish I could go see the Rachel Show. It is like a home grown PeeWee's Playhouse. I don't see any other similarity to Paul Rubens. The Trachtenburgs are not playing characters (anymore than anyone else). They are themselves. I wonder if Rachel Trachtenburg could be a star. I think mom and dad see it. But they have a master plan to keep her safe from evil. More power to you. I wish it for you, Trachtenburgs, to somehow make your dreams come true and avoid the bad stuff. It is my dream too.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
LFAW new web page
For the year and a half that I have been in this space, the art walk has grown a lot. There are more venues and more people come. There are more businesses in general popping up in the Whitaker neighborhood. There is a new, what looks like, Italian restaurant up the street about a block. The Eastern Orthodox Church has been building a new blue pointed ball for their new bell tower. I have been keeping track of their progress since they started last Summer. Last week Nathaniel who has been heading up the project let me ring their new bronze bells from Russia.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Upcoming Classes
I offer private custom classes in my studio. $60/2hrs for 1-3 students. Just contact me.
Working with Watercolors: Still Life & Landscape
John Holdway
Class ID #1453
From start to finish, “Working with Watercolors” gives you the tools for painting success. Designed for all skill levels, this class allows you to explore the creative process in a fun and encouraging environment. As you experiment with painting from photographs and working from still life set-ups, you will learn to begin, develop, and finish watercolor paintings. You will also review concepts of color, composition, and the idea of using a limited palette as you improve your drawing skills and find your own artistic style. 8 Sessions.
Thursdays, January 17-March 6, 6:00pm-8:30pm
Members $80 - Non-Members $95
Oasis Center - Eugene
102 - Creative Acrylic Painting
Study the use of acrylic paint through demonstration and practice. Improve drawing, composition and color theory with emphasis on development of personal creativity through group and individual critique suitable for all levels. Please bring acrylic paint, brushes, heavy watercolor pad, paper towels, apron, pencils and sketchbook. Limit 15.
Instructor: John Holdway, B.F.A., Art Instructor
Mondays 1/21/08 - 3/3/08 10:15 - 12:15
$25 6 Sessions
Be guided through exercises that demonstrate the capabilities and innovations of acrylic paint. Explore a variety of applications including color mixing, glazing, scumbling, impasto, textual effects, grounds, transfers, collage and more.
Workshop: Saturday, February 9th, 2008.
Time: 3 to 5 pm
Tuition: $10, Material Fee: $5.
All materials included in supply fee.
Instructor: John Holdway.
with John Holdway
Watch and learn: In this two hour session students will have the opportunity see John complete a still life in oil in varying stages. He will answer questions and give important details about the steps involved in creating a still life painting.
Demo: Saturday 1/26/07
Time: 2:00-4:00 p.m.