Friday, September 26, 2008
music canceled
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Rochelle Hunter

I have a few of paintings in the studio that I am working on for my Jacobs Gallery show in January. I just dropped off five paintings to hang in a show called "Oregon's Beautiful Bounty" at the David Joyce Gallery. It will run September 19th through the end of December. If you want to check it out here is the address.
Center for Meeting and LearningThere will be an artists' reception on November 6th from 5-7. I am going to try to be at the reception early because I teach a class at Maude Kerns art Center that night.
Lane Community College
4000 E. 30th Street
Eugene, OR 97401
If you are interested in taking a class I have a couple coming up soon at Maude Kerns.
Watercolors: Landscapes, Flowers & More
John Holdway
Class ID #1524
SPACE AVAILABLEFrom start to finish, this watercolor class gives you the tools for painting success. Designed for all skill levels, this class allows you to explore the creative process in a fun and encouraging environment. As you experiment with painting from photographs, you will learn how to begin, develop, and finish watercolor paintings. Benefit from instructor demonstrations and class projects designed to build your skills and advance your painting techniques. You will also review concepts of color and composition. 8 Sessions.
Thursdays, October 2-December 4, 6:00pm-8:30pm*
*There will be no class Thursdays, Oct. 23rd or Nov. 27th.
Members $75 - Non-Members $90
Drawing in Color
John Holdway
Class ID #1525
SPACE AVAILABLECapture color as you explore the art of drawing. Working in a variety of mediums, including pencils and pastels, you will create beautiful finished pieces and sketches that can be used for paintings. From still lifes to landscapes, this class offers a fun and relaxed approach to incorporating color into your art. Sign up early to reserve your space today!
Wednesdays, October 15-December 3, 1:00pm-3:00pm*
*There will be no class Wednesdays Oct. 22nd or Nov. 26th.
Members $60 - Non-Members $75